
Carberry Park Playground Officially Opens in Erin
Centre Wellington, ON, Canada / Grand 101.1 FM

Local children now have a new playground to explore at Carberry Park in the Town of Erin. Town council, parks and rec advisory committee members, and staff celebrated the official opening of the park today with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

“This new playground demonstrates our community’s resilience and will have a very positive impact for residents,” said Erin Mayor Michael Dehn. “It’s wonderful to see accessible amenities being provided for everyone to enjoy.”

The playground was bought with funds from the development community in lieu of the closure of Lions Club Park earlier this year.

In late March, council approved the purchase of the playground for $153,327.00.

Council also approved $21,000 in funding from the Town’s Parks and Recreation Services Development Charges Reserve to cover the cost of site preparation and paving.

Lions Club Park closed for public use in February due to space constraints with the wastewater pumping station being built on the site and nearby sewer system installation.

“I hope this park provides an inclusive hub for youth and family play with added features that Erin has not had access to yet,” said Dee-Enna Dube, Erin’s Manager of Parks and Recreation.

Carberry Park is located at 10 Carberry Rd., Erin.

“Carberry Park’s location and green space will be important for all ages as our community grows,” said Councillor Bridget Ryan, Council representative for Erin’s Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Committee. “A big thank you is extended to Dee-Enna Dube (Town of Erin Recreation Manager) and her staff for keeping this project moving forward.”

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